
"He smirked. "You know how much I love it when you squirm. Makes driving you crazy so much more rewarding. No 'Daddy' in or out of bed. I've been one of those and I couldn't do that..." Not in bed."Jeth, I know you thought I was trying to work out my father issues with you, but that never crossed my mind. There won't be any daddy or bad boys or spankings. Well, maybe spankings, but if you expect me to talk baby talk, that's out too. Neither of us need that in our life, and I don't want to bring up bad memories for you." I wondered a few times," he admitted. "If you needed a father figure more than a lover. Glad I know better now, Tony. Real glad. Always wanted an equal both in and out of the sack." Don't know if I'm that, but I'm working on it. One of these days, I might be the equal I wanted. If I want a dad, I have Ducky to fall back on. Never had dirty thoughts about him the way I did about you."Gibbs laughed and shook his head "Guess what? Me either. Never had a sexy thought about. My fantasy started to grow every day and I decided and made up my mind to fantasies my goddess who is in my family i.e. my elder sister.She is fair and I am honest with all the viewers, her height is 5.6. chubby face, natural fair breasts medium size with black nipples and perfect dark aerosols I have seen her breasts in real and felt it that’s how I am able to describe her beautiful soft mushy breasts. A simple rub of her nipples can actually make my penis erect rock hard. I am having a natural 9-inch medium thickness penis.It’s pretty long for a Indian men but I love as it is my natural gift.After seeing more porn videos I started planning myself how to begin and then I started with sneaking her wardrobe. We had a big room with 3 wardrobes for all together. When she use to go to college at 7:30 am every day by bus so every day at 6:30 AM she use to come to our room to change clothes after a bath.My brother used to go to college at 6:30 am as he was a science student.While one day I.
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